Commercial Building Can’t Shut Down Sewer for Repair

A large commercial building in Calgary, Alberta had a hole in the asbestos concrete main sewer for the facility with significant roots growing through the hole and causing sewer backups in the facility. The facility was operational 24/7 and couldn’t shut down to properly repair the hole in the main sewer pipe. The traditional repair…

Robotic Cutter Grinds through Metal Brackets in Storm Sewer

A Calgary, Alberta high rise apartment building was experiencing backups in their storm sewer system. The storm sewer would back up and water would pour into the parkade under the building through cracks in the foundation wall. A prominent commercial drain cleaning company hydro flushed the eight (8) inch storm sewer and then performed a…

Regional School Office Saved From Shutdown

A regional school administration office in Alberta was having problems with their sewer system. Sewer blockages were frequently causing raw sewage to back up through floor drains in the washrooms. The cast iron, main sewer pipe in the facility was heavily corroded and ran underneath the main hallway in the facility for the entire length…