A classroom in a school became a poor learning environment when nasty sewer gases began to permeate the room due to a broken fitting and offset joint below the floor. The pipe was prohibitively expensive to fix because of its location 4 feet below the floor next to the building foundation.
Revive Pipes saved the school $40,000 over other contractors quotes by installing a custom made Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) structural liner in the shape of a six (6) inch by six (6) inch wye, sealing the sewer gases inside the sewer drain system.
Shifting in the earth below the school caused a six (6) inch vertical PVC pipe to push upwards into a wye fitting that was four (4) feet below the floor. The upwards force of the pipe split open a wide crack in the PVC fitting and the pipe partially dammed the sewage flow from the branch connection into the vertical drain pipe. In addition, the shifting pipes created an offset between the joint of the cleanout fitting in the floor and the first section of vertical pipe.
The large crack in the pipe allowed sewage water to freely flow into the earth around the pipe and foundation. This water flow further destabilised the soil around the pipe and exacerbated the problem of the wastewater pipes shifting. Allowing the system to continue to operate in this situation for long could compromise the building foundation.
A traditional demolish, excavate, replace and refinish repair would have been very costly given the proximity of the damaged pipe to buildings foundation.
The repair would have included:
- Consulting with a structural engineer to determine the proper procedure for supporting and protecting the building foundation while excavating
- Erecting a hoarding to minimize dust while the repair is being completed
- Saw cutting of the concrete floor
- Excavation of a pit around the sewer pipe to be replaced
- Replacement of the sewer pipe and branch connection
- Replacement and compacting of the soil around the sewer pipe
- Pouring new concrete slab
- Finishing the flooring
Revive Pipes used a specialized robotic cutter to grind down the PVC pipe that was damming the branch connection. We then installed a custom made liner in the shape of a six (6) inch by six (6) inch wye by inserted it through the four (4) inch cleanout above. After the wye was repaired, Revive Pipes installed a structural liner over the offset joint immediately below the cleanout to fully seal the piping system.
Our liners were installed using only two (2) existing cleanouts in the wastewater system and no excavations were required. Revive Pipes saved the school $40,000 off the quotes of other contractors to repair this broken and displaced PVC sewer pipe.
Economic Impact: $40,000 Cost Savings
Facility Impact: No excavations, No classes disrupted
Contractor Time on Site: Reduced by 80%
Revive Pipes can install Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) structural liners in tee and wye fittings of with main branches as small as three (3) inches diameter and with lateral branches as small as two (2) inches diameter. We installed the six (6) inch Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) through a four (4) inch cleanout that was offset by approximately one quarter (1/4) of the diameter, restricting the access point even further.